在商业, 媒体, 市场营销, 体育, 政治, 娱乐, 以及我们生活的方方面面, 我们的世界越来越依赖于数据.


作为德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, you have exclusive access to a new online tool with some of the most comprehensive, 准确的2021十大正规彩票app数据. MarketViewer门户网站 使您能够查看所选地理边界的关键统计信息.


访问MarketViewer仪表板时 technestng.com/marketviewer,您将看到该州每月的住宅销售统计数据. You can change the three market selection fields to view other geographical areas, 很多情况下都是个别社区.

初始屏幕显示中间价格, 关闭销售, 活动清单, 上市天数, 离收盘还有几天, 个月的库存, 以及住宅销售价格分布情况. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of information available from MarketViewer’s tens of millions of data points.

其他可用的地理边界包括县, 市区, 城市, 邮政编码, 学区, 社区, 州和联邦政治选区, 以及市议会区,

您还可以查看按季度或按年度编制的统计数据. MarketViewer中的大多数数据可追溯到2015年1月.


You can download an image or PDF of any screen in MarketViewer by selecting the “Download” link near the bottom-right corner of the page.

You can also generate attractive and easily sharable infographics to send via email, 在Facebook或推特上发布, 或者添加到您的其他通信和营销材料中. 若要创建信息图表,请单击 Menu 在仪表板的左上角,然后选择“Infographic Generator”.选择所需数据的参数, 然后选择要下载的文件类型.


除了住宅销售, 你可以找到公寓租金和空置率的指标(由Reis提供), 公司.), 新建筑统计数据(由Metrostudy提供), 和历史抵押贷款利率信息(由房地美提供). 通过单击访问这些类别 Menu 在MarketViewer的左上角.


数据在MarketViewer的准确性是无与伦比的. Since the underlying data comes directly from local MLSs across Texas, it represents actual sales. 许多2021十大正规彩票app数据来源严重依赖于估算等不精确的输入, 算法, 或者是税务评估. 德克萨斯大学2021十大正规彩票app中心的数据专家说&米大学 use several “data scrubbing” routines to correct problems common in other 2021十大正规彩票app data sources. Home sales are analyzed for anomalies—such as a house with four bedrooms and zero bathrooms, 或者标价470美元的房产,据报道,这幅画的售价为4美元,700,000. 纠正这样的错误会产生更准确的结果.

The Real Estate Center also ensures that MarketViewer data isn’t skewed by a single sale being counted multiple times. 在一些数据源中, a sale may be recorded two or more times if the property has been entered into multiple MLSs. 确保每次销售只记录一次, properties reflected in MarketViewer data are categorized by a precise geo-location—the exact latitude and longitude of a piece of 2021十大正规彩票app. 如果同一地理位置的数据中出现了多个销售, 那笔买卖只算一次.
MLS报告通常只包括在该MLS中输入的属性. 然而, reports in MarketViewer reflect all property sales that occur within a geographical boundary regardless of which MLS the listings came from.

由于这些努力创造了最好的, 最可靠的数据, it’s possible that MarketViewer statistics may not match statistics from your own MLS, 即使是比较同一时期.


In 2015, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®推出了德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®数据相关项目, 包括当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会及其mls在内的合作伙伴关系. The project was made possible through a research agreement with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&米大学. The Data Relevance Project has provided local REALTOR® associations access to comprehensive local data that the association can share with members and with local 媒体. Many local REALTOR® associations have been using Data Relevance Project data and infographics in press releases, 在成员通信中, 在Facebook上, 推特, 以及其他社交媒体渠道.

MarketViewer仪表板于2018年4月推出,为当地协会提供信息, 第一次, individual 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®—an easy-to-use online tool to harness the powerful data and analytics of the Texas REALTOR® Data Relevance Project.

MarketViewer helps 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® quickly understand market statistics in a vast array of geographic areas across the state. 有了这些信息, local associations and individual members can position 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® as the authoritative voice of Texas

MarketViewer is intended to enhance data that REALTORS® receive from MLSs, not replace it. 更大的, more in-depth local dataset that MarketViewer provides helps 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® set accurate expectations among buyers and sellers and helps you and your clients make better decisions in our data-driven world.

You can quickly gain deeper insights into market data by placing your mouse over individual pieces of data on the dashboard. (在平板电脑上,点击数据). 您将看到其他统计数据,例如随时间变化的趋势, 进一步的数据突破, 与前一个报告期相比,百分比增加或减少.

例如, 如果你把鼠标放在一个月的中间价上, a chart will pop up that shows the monthly 媒体n price trend line from January 2015 through the current month. You may have to let your cursor hover over the data point for a second or two or click the data point to view the additional information.


  • 访问 technestng.com/marketviewer.
  • 用你的texasrealestate登录.com密码.
    1. 在仪表板左侧的市场选择器下, 从第一个下拉菜单中选择您的本地关联.
    2. 从第二个下拉菜单中选择要查看的市场类型.
    3. 从第三个下拉菜单的选项中选择单个市场.
    4. 如果要查看前几个月的数据,请使用“选择月份”选项.
      Uncover additional information by placing your cursor over each individual piece of data (on tablets, 点击数据).

Find more MarketViewer features by clicking Menu in the top-left corner of the dashboard:

  • 综合市场报告
  • 公寓的统计数据
  • 新建筑数据
  • 抵押贷款利率历史
  • 信息图表生成器.


Can I share MarketViewer information with prospects, clients, appraisers, and others?

Yes, you can download screenshots and generate infographics from MarketViewer to share with anyone. 然而, 您不能让其他人直接访问MarketViewer, 因为它是德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的独家会员福利.


New market analytics are available to 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® approximately 30 days after the end of the month.


通过单击访问地理查看器 Menu 在仪表板的左上角.


Some geographic boundaries are unavailable if they have not been provided by the information sources used by MarketViewer.

